How to Decide Between a Magnetic Stirrer & an Overhead Stirrer?

· laboratory products,lab product,analog stirrers
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Most of the lab equipment found in research laboratories has undergone significant transformations. But the reliable stirrer looks pretty much the same as it has looked for centuries.

Considering the need for laboratory equipment, stirrers are used to shake the liquid to speed up the reactions. Regardless of the brand, nearly all stirrers are well-featured to perform their functions with complete perfection. Are you searching for the best manufacturers to buy analog stirrers? End your search with Jade Scientific Inc.

Selecting between a magnetic stirrer & overhead stirrer isn’t always easy. Infact, for many tasks, both pieces of equipment would represent the perfect option. However, if you are going to decide between purchasing one or the other for your lab, there are several factors that you should consider.

Factors in Detail to Help You Make the Correct Choice

1. Volume of Samples Used

In case you are processing large volumes, then you require to ensure that your equipment can handle it. Depending on your chosen model, laboratory overhead stirrers may handle maximum volumes. You can buy larger volume overhead stirrers, but they are regarded as processes or industrial equipment.

There are magnetic stirrers that can handle similar volumes. Even so, these are regarded as high-volume units & benchtop models which can handle much lower maximum volumes. Moreover, in the case of a magnetic stirrer, the stir bar size is also essential.

2. Choose the Best Vessel Shape 

You may also require to consider your vessel shape. Sometimes a particular shape of overhead stirrers is not allowed in one of the experiments; in that case, there can be a chance that a magnetic stirrer may be needed. There are fold-down impellers that may fit into narrow-mouthed vessels. The magnetic stir bar has no shaft, so it can easily fit in narrow-necked vessels.

3. Consider the Viscosity of Samples

Generally, more energy can be offered with an overhead stirrer, so these tend to work better for the viscous samples. However, both overhead, as well as magnetic stirrers have some limitations when it comes to the thick samples. In the case of overhead stirrers, if you have a high-viscosity sample, either at the beginning of or during processing, it involves the danger of straining the drive motor, which causes it to overheat. Some overhead stirrers are designed in such a way that they will detect torque. If it gets too high level, the power will be reduced. In the case of a magnetic stirrer, the magnetic coupling has to be solid enough to overcome the resistance of the viscous material. What’s more, there are different shapes of stir bars to optimize stirring in viscous materials.

4. Amount of Heat Required

If heat is needed during processing, you have some options. You could use the hotplate stirrer or overhead stirrer with a heat source. A water bath is preferred for heating larger samples, as heat is applied to a greater surface area of the vessel, allowing for more even heating. Moreover, the hotplate may be a safer option at higher temperatures. Some hotplate stirrers can offer higher temperatures than most high-temperature baths.

5. Type of Mixing Needed

Clearly, it is concluded that there are many things to consider when deciding whether to purchase a magnetic stirrer or overhead stirrers.   

Rely on Jade Scientific INC. if you want to purchase the Analog Stirrers for your laboratory or any other business purpose. To know more information about the services we provide, reach out to the official website.