A Buyer’s Guide to Analog Hot Plates for Laboratory

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Scientific research and processes require accurate tools for appropriate operations. Therefore, before buying, the team responsible must research their options for equipment thoroughly to avoid an unnecessary financial burden on the company. One product that several laboratories need for their experiments or processes is analog hot plates. Now, depending on the needs of the specific work department, needs may vary.

So, here is a quick guide on how to choose the right analog hot plates for your business.

What is a Laboratory Analog Hot Plate?

Hot plates are among some of the most useful equipment in a lab. They are ideal for uniformly heating and stirring samples. However, it can become challenging to choose when you have several models.

Therefore, you must clearly define the applications of the hot plate along with the required features before making the purchase.

Hot Plate Size & Capacity

Analog hot plates come in a variety of sizes. Depending on the volume of your sample, the ideal choice varies. Generally, you can look at the types of beakers used in the experiments to determine the best hot plate option available.

There are hot plate options that are ideal for small and big samples, ranging from only a couple of liters to 20 liters.

Material Viscosity

Viscosity of the material in use also affects the best choice of analog hot plate for your needs. The thickness of the sample will impact the stirring process.

Attainable Temperature and Uniformity

Two elements that you must consider when looking at the temperature settings available on an analog hot plate are uniformity and the overall range. Plate material impacts uniformity, where aluminum plates are better, but ceramic plates are better for chemical resistance. Hot plates made using aluminum and covered using ceramic can give you both benefits in one.

Temperature range should meet the degree needed for your application. Therefore, do discuss the temperature range required and choose the right tool.


In lab equipment, safety available is among the biggest buying factors. The fact that hot plates can get extremely hot, safety is essential. Here are some safety features that you must look for when finding the right analog hot plate for the workplace.

  • Hot top indicator
  • End-of-cycle alarm
  • PT sensor
  • Thermally insulated housing
  • Adjustable safety cutoff range

Depending on the equipment you choose, the safety features may vary. Hence, you must consider all the features of the product before making any decision.

Analog Hot Plates – Additional Features

Here are a few additional features that some hot plates have:

  • Single or multi heat/stir function
  • Cycle Time Setting
  • Electronic speed control

These additional features can vary based on the model you choose. While having these additional features is not mandatory, knowing about them is helpful.

Buying Analog Hot Plates – Check Your Budget

Analog hot plates are an investment. Depending on your needs and requirements, they might cost you a few hundred-dollar bills, but some can cost thousands of dollars. As most companies investing in hot plates are looking for more than just one piece, the bills can rack up quickly.

So, define the budget for the purchase and features that you cannot compromise on first. Only then move to the step of finding the right equipment with the features you need.

Final Thoughts – Make the Right Choice While Buying Analog Hot Plates

Clearly defining the needs as per the application of analog hot plates in your unique situation is essential to find the best possible product. Look at the features of the product in detail before you make the final buying decision.

For the best prices on analog hot plates, you can visit Jade Scientific.